VirtualMetric Hyper-V Monitoring, Hyper-V Reporting


Cozumpark Bilisim Portali
Posted in Windows Powershell | 1 Comment | 5,200 views | 06/03/2012 22:21

In this post, I’ll talk about network operations on Windows Server 8 Beta. I have a virtual machine on my Hyper-V server with 4 virtual network adapter. They are all binded to same network, so I can set same ip addresses on them and I’m also able to make them teamed.

1. First of all, lets get network adapters.


I see all network adapters with some informations like name, description, ifindex and status.

2. I’ll get one of them and see full details.

Get-NetAdapter -Name "Wired Ethernet Connection"

Btw, you can also use wildcard (*) in your commands to make them easy.

Get-NetAdapter -Name "Wired*Connection

As you see, both of them works as we expected.

Posted in Windows Powershell | No Comment | 3,507 views | 13/04/2010 21:35

Türkiye’deki Powershell kullanıcılarını bir araya getirmeyi amaçlıyorum. Böylece beyin fırtınası yaratarak, daha iyi projeler çıkarabiliriz ortaya. Her ne kadar Powershell kullanıcısı şuan için az olsa da (Türkiye’de), yapacağım seminer ve webinerler ile Powershell kullanımını arttırmaya çalışacağım.

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