Posted in Exchange Server, Windows Powershell | No Comment | 7,028 views | 14/11/2009 00:36
With a new feature of Exchange Server 2010, now you can append signature or disclaimer messages to emails. You should create a new Transport rule to do this. Also there is an easy way to do this with Powershell:
New-TransportRule -Name 'Signatures' -Comments 'Signatures for Inside Organization' -Priority '0' -Enabled $true -FromScope 'InOrganization'
-ApplyHtmlDisclaimerLocation 'Append' -ApplyHtmlDisclaimerText '</br></br>
<div style="font-size:11pt; font-family: ''Calibri'',sans-serif;">
<div><img alt="yusufozturk" src=""></br>
</br></div>' -ApplyHtmlDisclaimerFallbackAction 'Wrap' |
New-TransportRule -Name 'Signatures' -Comments 'Signatures for Inside Organization' -Priority '0' -Enabled $true -FromScope 'InOrganization'
-ApplyHtmlDisclaimerLocation 'Append' -ApplyHtmlDisclaimerText '</br></br>
<div style="font-size:11pt; font-family: ''Calibri'',sans-serif;">
<div><img alt="yusufozturk" src=""></br>
</br></div>' -ApplyHtmlDisclaimerFallbackAction 'Wrap'
I used %%displayname%% to add my name.
Posted in Exchange Server, Windows Powershell | 2 Comments | 6,687 views | 11/11/2009 03:38
If you don’t want to use Exchange Management Console, you can use Powershell:
Set-ExchangeServer -Identity '%Name%' -ProductKey '%ProductKey%' |
Set-ExchangeServer -Identity '%Name%' -ProductKey '%ProductKey%'
So simple but important command for me :) You need to restart “Information Store” service.
Posted in Exchange Server, Windows Powershell | 7 Comments | 13,086 views | 09/11/2009 02:02
You need to create an Autodiscover directory in IIS and configure it. What I do with this script is creating that directory and configuring for redirection.
For Exchange Server 2010:
| New-Item "C:\inetpub\Autodiscover_redirect" -type Directory
New-Item "C:\inetpub\Autodiscover_redirect\Autodiscover" -type Directory
New-Item "C:\inetpub\Autodiscover_redirect\Autodiscover\Autodiscover.xml" –type File
Import-Module WebAdministration
Remove-WebBinding -Name “Default Web Site” -BindingInformation *:80:
New-ItemProperty IIS:\Sites\”Default Web Site” -name bindings -value @{protocol="http";bindingInformation="*"}
New-Item IIS:\Sites\Autodiscover -bindings (@{protocol="http";bindingInformation="*:80:"}) -PhysicalPath “C:\inetpub\Autodiscover_redirect"
Set-WebConfiguration -filter /system.webServer/httpRedirect -value (@{enabled="True"; destination=""}) -PSPath IIS:\ -location Autodiscover |
New-Item "C:\inetpub\Autodiscover_redirect" -type Directory
New-Item "C:\inetpub\Autodiscover_redirect\Autodiscover" -type Directory
New-Item "C:\inetpub\Autodiscover_redirect\Autodiscover\Autodiscover.xml" –type File
Import-Module WebAdministration
Remove-WebBinding -Name “Default Web Site” -BindingInformation *:80:
New-ItemProperty IIS:\Sites\”Default Web Site” -name bindings -value @{protocol="http";bindingInformation="*"}
New-Item IIS:\Sites\Autodiscover -bindings (@{protocol="http";bindingInformation="*:80:"}) -PhysicalPath “C:\inetpub\Autodiscover_redirect"
Set-WebConfiguration -filter /system.webServer/httpRedirect -value (@{enabled="True"; destination=""}) -PSPath IIS:\ -location Autodiscover
You won’t get any SSL error on Outlook after changes.
Posted in Exchange Server, Windows Powershell | No Comment | 8,826 views | 09/11/2009 01:56
An easy way to enable Outlook Anywhere on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 with Powershell:
Enable-OutlookAnywhere –ExternalHostname ‘’ –SSLOffloading $false
-DefaultAuthenticationMethod ‘Basic’ |
Enable-OutlookAnywhere –ExternalHostname ‘’ –SSLOffloading $false
-DefaultAuthenticationMethod ‘Basic’
You can set authentication method as Basic or NTLM.
Posted in Exchange Server, Windows Powershell | No Comment | 3,373 views | 08/11/2009 23:18
Bildiğiniz gibi ilk kurulum sonrası Exchange’i dışarıya açabilmek için Send Connector eklemeniz lazım. İşte otomatik kurulum gibi bir şey yapmak istiyor ya da en basitinden Exchange arabirimini kullanmak istemiyorsanız, Powershell deneyebilirsiniz. Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Powershell Manager’a bağlanarak ya da Exchange Server Modülünü Powershell’e import ederek, aşağıdaki komutu çalıştırabilirsiniz.
New-SendConnector –Name ‘External’ –Usage ‘Internet’ –AddressSpaces ‘SMTP:*;1’
–DNSRoutingEnabled $true –UseExternalDNSServersEnabled $false –Fqdn ‘’ |
New-SendConnector –Name ‘External’ –Usage ‘Internet’ –AddressSpaces ‘SMTP:*;1’
–DNSRoutingEnabled $true –UseExternalDNSServersEnabled $false –Fqdn ‘’
FQDN’i belirlerken, external domain yazmanız gerektiğini unutmayın.
Posted in Exchange Server, Windows Powershell | No Comment | 7,587 views | 08/11/2009 02:57
You can’t receive email from external address if you don’t add receive connector to Exchange Server 2010. I will show you how you can easily add receive connector with Powershell:
Get-ReceiveConnector "Default *" | Set-ReceiveConnector
-PermissionGroups:AnonymousUsers,ExchangeUsers,ExchangeServers |
Get-ReceiveConnector "Default *" | Set-ReceiveConnector
You may change “PermissionGroups”. Please use Get-help for extra information.
Posted in Exchange Server, Windows Powershell | 2 Comments | 13,524 views | 08/11/2009 02:52
You can’t send email to external address if you don’t add send connector to Exchange Server 2010. I will show you how you can easily add send connector with Powershell:
New-SendConnector –Name ‘External’ –Usage ‘Internet’ –AddressSpaces ‘SMTP:*;1’
–DNSRoutingEnabled $true –UseExternalDNSServersEnabled $false –Fqdn ‘’ |
New-SendConnector –Name ‘External’ –Usage ‘Internet’ –AddressSpaces ‘SMTP:*;1’
–DNSRoutingEnabled $true –UseExternalDNSServersEnabled $false –Fqdn ‘’
You can modify name and fqdn. My FQDN is the external domain name of my Exchange Server 2010.