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Error 30112 while Exchange Backup on DPM 2010
Posted in Data Protection Manager | No Comment | 8,518 views | 23/03/2011 08:42
You may get error when you backup Exchange 2007 database on Data Protection Manager 2010. Affected area: First Storage Group
Occurred since: 23.03.2011 01:30:30 Description: Recovery point creation jobs for Storage group First Storage Group on Spartacus have been failing. The number of failed recovery point creation jobs = 28. If the datasource protected is SharePoint, then click on the Error Details to view the list of databases for which recovery point creation failed. (ID 3114) DPM encountered a retryable VSS error. (ID 30112 Details: VssError:The writer experienced a transient error. If the backup process is retried, the error may not reoccur. (0x800423F3)) More information Recommended action: Check the Application Event Log on Spartacus for the cause of the failure. Fix the cause and retry the operation. For more information on this error, go to Create a recovery point… Resolution: To dismiss the alert, click below Inactivate alert To Resolve this issue, go to Exchange server and disable “Circular logging” from mailbox database settings. Leave a Reply