VirtualMetric Hyper-V Monitoring, Hyper-V Reporting


Cozumpark Bilisim Portali
Posted in Hosting & IIS7 | No Comment | 7,569 views | 25/09/2011 18:24

I’ll show you how to install IIS8 recommended configuration on Windows Server 8.

1. Go to Server Manager, click “Manage” and click “Add Roles and Features”.

2. Select “Role-based or Feature-based installation”

3. Choose your server or server pool.

4. Choose “Web Server (IIS)”.

5. Click to frameworks if they are not installed.

6. Skip IIS8 introduction.

7. Choose same features with me (Part 1)

8. Choose same features with me (Part 2)

9. Choose same features with me (Part 3)

10. Choose same features with me (Part 5)

11. Click install to start installation.

12. You can see clean installation progress.

13. IIS8 UI has no big changes.

Now, you can start to create your websites.

Posted in Hosting & IIS7 | No Comment | 5,920 views | 04/06/2011 11:35


Aşağıda Parallels Plesk Panel 10 sürüm ve komponent bilgilerini bulabilirsiniz.

parallels_installer.exe --show-all-releases
panel PANEL_10_2_0_WIN (Parallels Plesk Panel 10.2.0)
panel PANEL_10_1_1_WIN (Parallels Plesk Panel 10.1.1)
panel PANEL_10_1_0_WIN (Parallels Plesk Panel 10.1.0)
panel PANEL_10_0_1_WIN (Parallels Plesk Panel 10.0.1)
panel PANEL_10_0_0_WIN (Parallels Plesk Panel 10.0.0)
ppsmbe PPSMBE_10_0_0_WIN (Parallels Small Business Panel 10.0)
ppsmbe PPSMBE_10_1_0_WIN (Parallels Small Business Panel 10.1.0)
ppsmbe PPSMBE_10_2_0_WIN (Parallels Small Business Panel 10.2.0)

Release id için “PANEL_10_2_0_WIN” kullanmalısınız.

parallels_installer.exe --select-release-id PANEL_10_2_0_WIN --show-components
base – Parallels Panel core components
awstats – AWStats
mailenable – MailEnable mail server
dns – BIND DNS Server
perl – Perl script engine
python – Python script engine
php4 – PHP4 script engine
php5 – PHP5 script engine
spamassassin – SpamAssassin
mysql-client – MySQL server
phpmyadmin – PHPMyAdmin
mylittleadmin – myLittleAdmin
webalizer – Webalizer
mysql-odbc – MySQL ODBC driver
mssql – MSSQL 2005 server
mssql2008 – MSSQL 2008 server
fastcgi – FastCGI
webmail – Horde webmail
atmail – Atmail
drweb – Parallels Premium Anti-Virus
kav – Kaspersky anti-virus
mssql-webadmin – ASP.NET Enterprise Manager
plesk-migration-manager – Parallels Panel Migration Manager
stunnel – Parallels Panel SSL Wrapper
tomcat – Apache Tomcat Java server
health-monitoring – System Health Monitor
sitebuilder – SiteBuilder
billing – Parallels Customer & Business Manager

Ayrıca Parallels Small Business Panel’in komponentlerine bakalım:

parallels_installer.exe --select-release-id PPSMBE_10_0_0_WIN --show-components
base – Parallels Panel core components
awstats – AWStats
mailenable – MailEnable mail server
dns – BIND DNS Server
siteeditor – Site Editor
ppsb_tp – Site Editor design templates
perl – Perl script engine
python – Python script engine
php4 – PHP4 script engine
php5 – PHP5 script engine
spamassassin – SpamAssassin
mysql – MySQL server
phpmyadmin – PHPMyAdmin
mylittleadmin – myLittleAdmin
mysql-odbc – MySQL ODBC driver
mssql – MSSQL server
fastcgi – FastCGI
webmail – Horde webmail
atmail – Atmail
drweb – Dr.Web anti-virus
mssql-webadmin – ASP.NET Enterprise Manager

“parallels_installer.exe” dosyasını Parallels’in web sayfasından indirebilirsiniz.

Posted in Hosting & IIS7 | No Comment | 5,212 views | 30/05/2011 13:28


Juniper SSG20 üzerinde NAT tanımı yapabilmek için öncelikle;

Network > Interfaces > List

altına girdikten sonra, Untrusted network’e gelip “Edit” linkine tıklıyoruz.

Sonrasında yukarıda görülen MIP kısmına geçiş yapınız.

Network > Interfaces > Edit > MIP (List)

Son olarak eklemiş olduğunuz MIP için Untrust’tan Trust’a “Policy” tanımlayarak, işlemi tamamlıyoruz.

Posted in Hosting & IIS7 | No Comment | 4,406 views | 30/05/2011 01:09

SQL Server 2008 R2 Licensing:
“If you license all of the physical processors on the server (one license per physical processor), you may run unlimited instances of the SQL Server software in the following number of OSEs (either physical or virtual):”
SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter -> Unlimited
SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise -> Up to 4 per license. (Each Server License for SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise permits you to run the software in up to four (4) OSEs (physical and/or virtual)

SQL Server 2008 (without R2) Licensing:
“Each physical server licensed for SQL Server Enterprise under the Server/CAL model is also licensed to run SQL Server Enterprise in as many VMs as the hardware will support. So there is no difference between licensing Enterprise edition for physical and virtual environments.”
SQL Server 2008 Enterprise -> Unlimited

So, there is a difference between SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 but it’s clear that if you license all of the physical processors for SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter or SQL Server 2008 Enterprise, you can run any instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 or SQL Server 2008 in any number of virtual operating system environments without regard to the number of physical and virtual processors used.

Posted in Hosting & IIS7 | No Comment | 2,940 views | 03/05/2011 22:10

If you face with a MySQL replication issue, you should restart it with command line.

First of all, stop MySQL services and replicate latest MySQL data files. After that, you can start services again.

Go to Slave and execute:

mysql> STOP SLAVE; 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 
mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysqld-bin.000001'; 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 
mysql> start slave; 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

You can get Master_Log_File and Master_Log_Pos with executing “SHOW MASTER STATUS;” on Master MySQL.

If you want to see replication status again, execute:


I don’t know any better way. If you have one, please reply :)

Posted in Hosting & IIS7 | No Comment | 5,085 views | 17/04/2011 20:03

Windows Server 2008 R2 üzerinde komut satırından MySQL kurmak isterseniz, öncelikle MySQL’in zip halini indirin ve dosya içeriğini “C:\Program Files\MySQL” içerisine atın. Sonrasında aşağıdaki komutları komut satırı (cmd) üzerinden çalıştırabilirsiniz.

setx Path "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\MySQL\Bin"
Net stop w3svc
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\bin\mysqld" --install
Net start MySQL
Net start w3svc

Kurulum sonrası root şifresini de atamanız gerekecektir.

mysqladmin -u root password YOURPASSWORD

Hepsi bu kadar. İyi eğlenceler!

Posted in Hosting & IIS7 | No Comment | 3,640 views | 13/04/2011 17:53

Buradaki komutları kendime hatırlatma olarak ekliyorum. Sizin de işinize yarar elbet :)

conf terminal
show config | grep access-list
access-list inside-cikis permit tcp host any eq 587
ctrl + z
wr mem

Cisco Pix için geçerlidir yukarıdaki komutlar.