VirtualMetric Hyper-V Monitoring, Hyper-V Reporting


Cozumpark Bilisim Portali
How to add send connector to Exchange Server 2010 with Powershell?
Posted in Exchange Server, Windows Powershell | 2 Comments | 13,522 views | 08/11/2009 02:52

You can’t send email to external address if you don’t add send connector to Exchange Server 2010. I will show you how you can easily add send connector with Powershell:

New-SendConnector –Name ‘External’ –Usage ‘Internet’ –AddressSpaces ‘SMTP:*;1’
–DNSRoutingEnabled $true –UseExternalDNSServersEnabled $false –Fqdn ‘’

You can modify name and fqdn. My FQDN is the external domain name of my Exchange Server 2010.

Comments (2)

IT Flunk!

June 13th, 2011

Got any advice for an issue like mine?
Currently I am unable to create any kind of outbound connector which will remain on the edge if I change the settings of a new edge subsciption to the hub server…
It would seem as though the Edge is corrupt in some way?
I have attempted several authentication methods and yes my edge sync traffic is enabled on my TMG 2010.
Exchange is running 2010, the TMG 2010 is enterprise and because of certain restrictions with regards to enabling VPN and so on I have had to join the TMG to the domain much to my distain at doing this.
My ADAM on the TMG is throwing an ADWS error relating to:NTDS
every minute which is going to more than likely be the cause of my issue however many admins see the same issues occuring on their TMG as well.

Your help would be appreciated if you have the time, my mind is now officially blown out! I liken my experience to that of road kill… You see bright lights coming at you expecting something awesome just to get runover in the end!


IT Flunk!

IT Flunk!

June 13th, 2011

Got any advice for an issue like mine?

Currently I am unable to create any kind of outbound connector which will remain on the edge if I change the settings of a new edge subsciption to the hub server…
It would seem as though the Edge is corrupt in some way?
I have attempted several authentication methods and yes my edge sync traffic is enabled on my TMG 2010.
Exchange is running 2010, the TMG 2010 is enterprise and because of certain restrictions with regards to enabling VPN and so on I have had to join the TMG to the domain much to my distain at doing this.
My ADAM on the TMG is throwing an ADWS error relating to:NTDS
every minute which is going to more than likely be the cause of my issue however many admins see the same issues occuring on their TMG as well.

Your help would be appreciated if you have the time, my mind is now officially blown out! I liken my experience to that of road kill… You see bright lights coming at you expecting something awesome just to get runover in the end!


IT Flunk!

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